Berries, Berries and More Berries!

Berries Cropped

Berries are often called the most important fruit. Their high level of flavanoids give them more than 10 times the amount of antioxidants than other fruits and vegetables. It is amazing how many parts of the body that berries benefit!

No matter how you eat them, try not to eat them with dairy. The compounds in dairy cause the very damage that berries are trying to undo. If your looking to add milk, ice cream or whipped cream, try one of the delicious coconut or almond based choices instead! Also, berries contain some of the highest levels of pesticides and should be considered when deciding to purchase organic.

Happy Eating!

Healthy Berries

Fighting against cognitive decline as we get older, berries also assist with a variety of brain diseases. One study by Harvard of 13,000 participants found that people who eat more berries appear to have a significantly lower risk of developing Parkinson’s.

Berries lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol, and decrease our chances of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Immune System
Berries build up our immune system and fight off the everyday toxins that our bodies come into contact with.

Protecting against cancer, berries also help to counteract and repair the damage resulting from oxidative stress and inflammation as well as boost our natural cancer killer cells.