It’s that time of the year when it seems that everyone is sick or has been so recently. Often congestion is one of the symptoms, and it can be a real annoyance, especially if it keeps you up at night. The good news is that many foods target excess mucus and can help to clear your sinuses. These are great to include into your cold-fighting regimen, with or without over-the-counter medication. Try these 10 tips the next time that you are feeling a little stuffy.

- Quercetin, a bioflavonoid found in grapes, apples, and onions, helps to reduce histamine production. Add raw onions to salads or cook them lightly with a little curry powder for a natural antihistamine.
- Bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme from pineapple, helps to reduce histamines. It breaks down the junk that has built up in the sinuses and helps to decrease inflammation and swelling.

- Spicy foods can help reduce nasal and sinus congestion. It is the chemical Capsaicin in spicy foods that irritates mucous membranes, ultimately softening nasal blocks and helping to get things moving again.
- Garlic, turmeric, and other hot spices are found to decrease congestion. They can also reduce inflammation and pain in your sinuses. Pro Tip: After you chop your garlic, let it sit for ten minutes before you expose it to heat. During this time, garlic releases an enzyme that makes allicin, a compound that helps your body fight viruses and bacteria. Heat destroys the enzyme, making the waiting time key to enjoying this benefit.
- Aromatics can help loosen and clear congestion. Foods such as fresh ginger, turmeric, and fresh thyme can be especially beneficial when you’re feeling under the weather. Ginger or turmeric can easily be incorporated into your diet by soaking them in water on low heat for twenty minutes. After that, add a few squeezes of fresh lemon and you have a warm soothing drink for your sinuses! To get more bang for your buck, inhale the steam while sipping the hot ginger or turmeric water to help thin any trapped mucus within your sinuses.

- Antioxidant rich foods like citrus, spinach, berries, and kiwi are loaded with vitamins and minerals that help to protect you from illness. Citrus, in particular, contains a high level of salicylic acid which will help to thin mucus and reduce inflammation. It will also help you stay hydrated when added to water.

- Snack on pumpkin seeds when you’re feeling a bit stuffy. The Omega-3s fatty acids and magnesium found in these seeds will help to relieve inflammation as well as relax blood vessels, allowing mucus to drain better.

- Expectorants help to thin and move mucus so that it becomes easier to clear. Herbs like thyme, oregano, and peppermint (all expectorants) are great to include into your diet when you are not feeling your best.
- Drink eight to ten glasses of water or fluids per day to replenish lost bodily fluids, loosen phlegm, and keep membranes moist. Stay away from alcohol, which can dilate small blood vessels and make your sinuses feel more stuffed up.
- Don’t forget foods with high levels of zinc. Zinc has been found do decrease the duration and severity of cold symptoms. Foods such as peas, beans, asparagus, broccoli, and spinach are high in zinc.

Often congestion irritates our passageways, eventually turning into an annoying, sleep depriving cough. When this happens, try this delicious smoothie from!

Natural Cough and Cold Smoothie
- medium Pineapple
- Lemon
- 2 inches Ginger
- 1/2 tsp Turmeric
- 1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
- Pinch of Salt
- Peel the pinapple and lemon. Place all in a blender and blend until desired consistency is reached. Drink immediately to maximize health benefits. Store any remaining smoothie in the refrigerator.

Honey is another excellent way to naturally soothe your throat and calm a cough. In a variety of studies, it has even been found to be better than over the counter cough suppressants. Enjoy slowly licking a spoonful of creamed honey or add it to hot teas. Want to bump up your cold fighting power further? Try the below recipe. A good friend introduced this to me earlier in the season. Her family swears by it and now mine does too!

Nature’s Flu Shot
- 6 Fresh Lemons
- 1 Bulb Garlic
- 2 tsp Ginger
- 2 Tbsp Honey
- 3 Cups Pinapple Juice
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne Powder
- Blend ingredients and store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take 1 cup, 4 times a day until symptoms disappear.
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Wishing you a happy and healthy winter season!