Want to learn more?
Below are books and other resources to learn more about holistic nutrition.
I hope they help as you continue on your journey towards great health.
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Recommended Books
Body Into Balance, Maria Noel Groves – Focusing solely on herbs, this book educates on the ways in which herbs can be used to prevent and treat disease. While some herbs mentioned may be harder to incorporate, many are everyday herbs that you can easily find at the grocery store.
Deeply Holistic, Pip Walker – Each chapter of this guide to intuitive self care, focuses on a different part of the body. In addition to explaining how each area works, chapters provide targeted holistic self-care suggestions including a wide range of topics including diet, intention and gratitude, impacts of emotions, breathing and excercise.
Foods That Harm Foods That Heal, Readers Digest – A very well organized and easy to follow book, these authors break out topics by both symptom (e.g. arthritis, digestion etc.) as well as by food (e.g. lemons, corn etc.). While not overly in depth, the book provides a nice introduction to get you started.
How Not To Die, Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM – This is by far my favorite book. Dr. Greger does an excellent job of educating the reader, backing up his claims with numerous scientific and research based studies, and providing proactive and reactive ways to approach each disease.
The Disease Dilusion, Dr. Jeffrey S. Bland – This book focuses on ways we can proactively prevent disease vs treating it reactively with various medicines and medical treatments. The end of the book includes a variety of recipes.
The Whole Foods Diet, John Mackay, Alona Pulde, M.D. and Matthew Lederman, M.D. – Written in part by the co-founder of Whole Foods, this book discusses what we know about diet and health, defines what the whole foodie lifestyle is and provides a variety of recipes. Throughout the book the authors use real world stories of individuals who have been helped with this approach.
SuperFoods Rx, Steven Pratt, M.D. and Kathy Matthews – Focusing on the ‘fabulous fourteen’, this book looks at various super foods that can be used to promote health and change lives.
Recommended Websites
Nutritionfacts.org, Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM – This is the online portion of Dr. Greger’s book above. Topics are presented in a very easy to follow and summarized video clip usually lasting 3-5 minutes and include snippets from the many scientific studies that he has researched.
The Whole Foods Diet, John Mackay, Alona Pulde, M.D. and Matthew Lederman, M.D. – Providing a landing zone for people to buy their book, this site also provides information on various nutritional topics and recipes.
The Nathional Center for Biotechnology Information – While less user friendly than some of the other resources, this website provides a wide variety of information and research on various foods.