The bottom line is that genetic inheritance is not fate. Your lifetime health was not predetermined at your conception. On the contrary: you have the opportunity – and the power – to shape your own pattern of health and longevity.
-Dr. Jeffrey S. Bland

We just finished National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If only breast cancer raised its ugly head just one month out of the year. Unfortunately, it impacts people that we care about year-round and is something that most of us have had either a direct or an indirect connection with. It is the most common cancer amongst American women, with the American Cancer Society reporting that 230,000 new cases are diagnosed and 40,000 deaths occur from it every year. My grandmother died of it, and because of that, it has always been something in the back of my mind. Fortunately, it has been said that our genetics make up only 20% of our fate, with 80% being influenced by our lifestyle and diet choices. We’ve got this!
When we eat for our health, we are playing the long game. Eating well for a day may lead us to feel less bloated or more energetic, but it is temporary. As soon as we return to our old way of eating, all those symptoms come back. Eating well over the long term can change our future, giving us more time to spend with loved ones while being healthy, active, and doing things that we enjoy.

So what foods does breast cancer hate?
Plant-Based Diet
- Studies have shown that women eating a plant-based diet combined with walking daily strengthened their defenses (identified through blood tests) against breast cancer in just 14 days. It is believed that this is due to a decrease in levels of a cancer-promoting growth hormone called IGF-1 found in animal protein.

- A study by The Pritkin Foundation developed a series of experiments that showed that individuals on a plant-based diet were able to fight cancer about eight times better than those who were not.
- A plant-based diet can also slow the growth rate of existing cancers. Breast cancer cells double every 25-1000+ days. Once they have doubled 33 times, there are billions of them. Often this is the point where detection techniques pick up the cancer. Where you fall on that timescale may be influenced by what you eat, giving you more time to detect it early.
- It is thought that cancer may feed on cholesterol. In a petri dish study, breast cancer cells appeared stimulated by LDL cholesterol. Cholesterol is only found in animal-based foods.
Lower levels of melatonin are associated with higher levels of breast cancer. One study conducted by researchers at Harvard University found that meat consumption was the only food associated with lower melatonin levels. In contrast, eating a plant-based diet leads to higher levels of melatonin in the body. Foods highest in melatonin include sunflower and flax seeds, tart cherries, walnuts, oats, sweet corn, tomatoes, grapes (the skin in particular), ginger, bananas, and goji berries.
Cruciferous Vegetables

Glucosinolates in crucifers help women metabolize and safely eliminate the estrogen that their bodies produce. Dr. Paul Talalay, a physician at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, found that broccoli and brussels sprouts have a protective agent against cancer that is one of the rare ‘bifunctional detoxifiers’ working in multiple ways simultaneously to detoxify potential carcinogens.
Don’t forget to cut up cruciferous vegetables and let them sit for 40 minutes before you cook them. Click here if you want to learn more about this powerful food.
Apple extract has been shown to suppress the growth of both estrogen-receptor-positive and negative breast cancer cells in a petri dish. Apple antioxidants are concentrated in the peel, so this is a good one to buy organic.

Flaxseeds are the leading source of a class of compounds called lignans. Lignans influence the balance of estrogen in our body and help further protect against breast cancer.
- It is recommended that at a minimum we should eat 30 grams of fiber per day. The average American eats less than 15 grams of fiber per day. Unfortunately, inadequate fiber consumption is a risk factor for breast cancer.
- Fiber’s benefits seem even more impactful for estrogen-receptor-negative breast tumors, which are harder to treat. In one study, premenopausal women on a higher fiber diet had 85% lower odds of that type of breast cancer.
- Every 20g of fiber intake per day is associated with a 15% lower risk of breast cancer. Fiber is only found in plant foods.
Mushrooms have a unique substance called mucopolysacccharides which have a specific ability for sending messages to the T and B cells, which then activate the genes helping to fight cancer. Studies have shown that regular consumption of mushrooms is associated with a reduced incidence of breast cancer.

Soy has been associated with lower rates of breast cancer. Additionally, those diagnosed with breast cancer who eat higher levels of soy tend to live longer. This is due to the phytoestrogens that are found in soy. Phytoestrogens have been found to reduce cancer for women who have previously had either estrogen positive or estrogen negative breast cancer. In particular, isoflavones, which are found primarily through soy foods, bind to sites on cell membranes that would normally be inhabited by hormones that can stimulate the growth of tumors. Epidemiological studies have shown that women in Southeast Asian populations who consume diets high in soy protein have a 4-6 times reduced risk of breast cancer compared with American women who normally consume only small amounts of soy.
Citrus Fruit
Research has shown that citrus fruits can play a significant role in preventing cancer. In fact, The National Cancer Institute calls oranges a complete package of every natural anticancer inhibitor known. The various components of citrus fruit work together to amplify each other’s effects. It is important to eat the whole fruit. Drinking just the citrus juice does not provide the same impact.

Citrus fruits have been found to contain numerous known anticancer agents – possibly more than any other food.
–Superfoods, Dr. Steven Pratt and Kathy Matthews
Warning: Many medications interact with grapefruit. Check with your doctor first.
Berries and Nuts
Berries and nuts provide the highest levels of an antioxidant known as ellagic acid. This antioxidant blocks metabolic pathways that can promote cancer. Multiple studies have shown that individuals who consume foods with the most ellagic acid were three times less likely to develop cancer.

The best strategy when eating for health is to eat a variety of different foods. One strategy is to keep a list of foods that you want to include in your diet on your phone so that when you go grocery shopping you can run down the list to make sure that you have each item in your house. Also, for foods that may not be your natural ‘go to’, challenge yourself to eat those first in a given day before you eat your favorite foods.
I hope these tips help you and your family to customize your diet and lead you to a longer, healthier, and happier life!
“A good defense is the best offense”
–The Disease Delusion, Dr. Jeffrey S. Bland